Where The Name Originates From

Paraclete is derived from "para" and "kletos" and is defined by Webster as "an advisor or intercessor; in a Christian context the Holy Spirit." A paraclete is one who encourages the athlete in the race, who sticks up for athlete's well-being, who provides water and nourishment during the race and is found running alongside.

In our daily walk as Christians here on earth, we have the Holy Spirit as our "paraclete" – infusing us with power, wisdom, understanding. The Holy Spirit encourages us and guides us to do what is right according to the will of God. The Holy Spirit is our comforter and encourager, always running alongside and watching over us.

Mission Statement

Preservation of fiber arts to the next generation with an emphasis on cross stitch.


Paraclete Designs is a custom fiber arts company focusing on the rescue and relocation of leftover and unwanted supplies. The coalition of fiber arts and faith is the foundation for the company. As the Founder and Manager, Charlene has continually worked to better educate herself in the importance of carrying fiber arts education, crafting and therapy to the next generation. In her spare time, Charlene enjoys reading and working with all types of art supplies to better enhance her knowledge of the fiber arts industry. Charlene is currently studying the art of color - both in fabric and in thread.

Paraclete Designs gathers unwanted art supplies and continually finds new outlets for relocation as useful objects for others. Charlene continues to teach fiber arts as it relates to scripture and our daily walk through art therapy, cross stitch and art journaling. Charlene’s business intention is to live simply, love generously, speak kindly and leave the rest to God.

As Paraclete continues to evolve, we have branched out into many phases of fiber arts. We are now taking donations of all fiber arts supplies, including quilting and journaling supplies.

Paraclete Designs operates as an Arizona limited liability company. The company is not a 501 non-profit. The ministry of Paraclete Designs functions through Charlene, as the Founder and Manager, to create an atmosphere where others can obtain supplies that they might not otherwise be able to afford. Funding and donated items arrive from those who have grown to trust what Charlene does. The company has existed since 2009 and has a large number of repeat donors helping support the efforts. There are no salaries paid to anyone on staff. There are no salaries paid by Paraclete Designs LLC to Charlene or anyone else assisting her in this ministry. The business operates solely from cash donations from those wanting to be certain the ministry work continues.

If you wish to be a part of this ministry, Charlene assures you that all donations are relocated to areas where they can best be used. Where they are relocated and the circumstances under which that happens is at the sole discretion of Charlene.

Monetary donations are used for teaching supplies, packing supplies, postage and shipping fees, purchasing storage containers, business supplies and expenses. All cash donations will be used at the discretion of Charlene for the operations of Paraclete Designs.

The groundwork continues to develop a 501 non-profit foundation; however, during 2020 and with the arrival of COVID, those efforts are now on temporary hold. Paraclete will continue to operate as a limited liability company for the foreseeable future until Charlene can begin this effort again.


Ministry work these days revolves around receipt of donations from other fiber artists who are cleaning out their stash and have no clue what to do with "leftovers." There are also donations of those leaving one type of art and moving on to something new and exciting; yet they have leftover supplies they want to be used for a good purpose. There are also families faced with a loved one who was a fiber art enthusiast and has passed away or moved into assisted care where there is less room; donations have been made of those items in many cases. During 2020, we also saw several shops close down, unfortunately, and their leftover stock was donated. All donations are sorted, cleaned, ironed, whatever needs to be done to them to have them in excellent condition when they are passed on to those participating in the various projects being supplied. Paraclete Designs has a designated work area where these items are stored safely and can be sorted for distribution as needed by Charlene and volunteers.

The donations coming in are far exceeding the expectations on a regular basis in their quality, their quantity and the love being shown in donating items to those wanting to learn or in recovery and unable to have their own supplies. This is the "God Thing" part of it all - it just shows up when its needed and it goes back out the door to those in need. The blessings of being the vessel to make this happen cannot be expressed here in mere words. The passion for fiber arts is being renewed with every box that is rescued and relocated rather than being thrown away.

Working one-on-one with a recipient is something Charlene attends to personally. The vetting of who receives items is based on need, teaching environments and where learning is both therapeutic and moving art forward. Great care is taken to make certain the items are used for the purposes meant. This is critical to the ongoing mission of Paraclete Designs.

Charitable organizations chosen by Charlene are also recipients of items for art therapy, summer camps and recovery based classes. Individuals are identified through website inquiries, homeschool organizations, fiber arts designers, teachers, counselors and local/ US wide shops. The majority of our contacts arise from good old fashioned word of mouth spreading of the ministry from one to another as we continue to work to preserve our art form.

Ministry Support

There are a number of EGA Guilds that support this Ministry through outreach programs. At the Annual Convention held in Phoenix Arizona in October of 2014, all attendees were provided a "get acquainted letter" and business card. This was due to the hard work of Jenny Ewing, Vice President of Desert Threaders EGA Guild in Phoenix, Arizona. Jenny wrote an article based on an interview. The original appears in the EGA Chapter Desert Threaders Newsletter for September&October 2013. Volume 3, Issue 4, Page 7. (reference used with permission). 650 letters and cards were provided and inserted in each attendee's bag.

Janice at Old Town Needlework in Scottsdale Arizona (www.oldtownneedlework.com) is an avid supporter of the Ministry and has become a dear friend. Her staff as well. Items have been brought to her store and then picked up there and used as needed. Janice has been a friend to sit and chat with me about the focus of what is going on, about needs and making sure she always does her part to assist in making those happen, and then taking time from her own business to gather things from her customers and allow me to pick them up there. Her shop is located in the old town part of Scottsdale and is a delight to entertain yourself in for the day. She is both a needlepoint and cross stitch shop.

Julie at Family Arts Needlework in Phoenix Arizona (www.familyartsneedlework.com) is primarily a needlepoint, knitting and crotchet shop. Julie has excelled in bringing the "leftovers and discards" of those transferring to other art forms in her store and wanting to find good homes for their cross stitch supplies.

Miranda at Weeks Dye Works (www.weeksdyeworks.com) and her staff are continual inspiration for group therapy projects. Weeks Dye Works is Charlene’s #1 go-to fiber for stitching and their wools for finishing as well.

There is a point in every artist's life where we wonder if it will ever happen or if it will really come to fruition. There are those days when you are flying high with excitement, there are days of complete exhaustion and there are days of great disappointment and being discouraged. These times are when it is vital as an artist to have a good solid support team around you. For me there are a very tight knit group of prayer warriors that hold me up in all of these circumstances; true friendship treasures for life. My support is also found in daily down time to read, meditate and be close to God. I find artistic support and motivation in magazines In Her Studio by Stampington, Strawberry Moon Magazine, Uppercase Magazine and Jo Packham's new adventure into MadeTV. Check these out and I assure you will be blessed with what you find. Thank you Jo Packham for your never ending support of my business over all these years with your encouraging emails. There are so many others that it would take pages to list; especially those who continually provide the cash support. Without your incredible generosity this ministry would not exist. Blessings continue to abound in so many ways that only God can orchestrate between all of us and I thank you so much for your ongoing support. Please support the above companies who have been so generous to this ministry when you are looking to increase your stash.


Charlene has a background in the field of law which keeps personal bills paid. Charlene is most passionate when involved with fiber arts and bringing all it entails to the next generation. Charlene is continually focused on growing as a Christ centered woman, making certain all efforts not only promote personal growth and well-being but also enhance the recipients of supplies lives as well. Many times, when requested, she has also supplied recipients with daily devotional books and bibles.

In doing so, doors of opportunity have been opened that continue to amaze Charlene and her volunteers and remind them of how God's grace is good. The opportunities further the knowledge that God is in control of Paraclete Designs and Charlene is the vessel being used for ministry. This has been evidenced primarily in Charlene stepping back from publishing designs for the retail market and instead working on custom designs that are used only in therapy sessions one-on-one and working on the donations coming in and going back out. If there are no cash operating funds, then the Paraclete Designs credit card pays for ongoing expenses until the funds come in. Don't get it wrong everyone, Charlene is still human and Charlene is capable of mistakes. The last time we checked, she was not able to walk on water. Its not all perfect, it doesn't run as smoothly as it should all the time, but that isn't the point. The point is focused on Christ Centered Ministry work.

Going forward it is Charlene's intention to complete several designs, to create a line of designs and then publish. At this point, there is no set timeframe for this goal. The products will be found in fine needlework shops in the U.S.A. which will include those mentioned here as supporters of the Ministry.

All original designs and verses by Charlene Reeder are copyright material.


August 2024 DONATON UPDATE: Paraclete and Charlene have officially survived Covid! We are here to tell about it for sure; it was bumpy, stressful and kept Charlene on her knees speaking to God constantly. The final decision was go forward and keep this ministry working to help others. We are taking in high quality quilt supplies, art and prayer journal items (think sketch books, colored pencils, journal tags, journal stickers that are vintage inspired, soothing, relaxing mixed with just a tad a fun ones), cross stitch complete kits, linen fabric, Aida fabric in small quantities or yardage, DMC, Classic Colorworks, Weeks Dye Works, Cottage Garden Threads, Gloriana to mention a few. We will find homes for it all. What is needed to complete projects that we don’t have donated items for, is purchased directly from vendors in the markets, from small businesses and local thrift shopping.

Please consider donating cash to help offset expenses when you are sending boxes of physical items or if you are just sending funds. Shipping is beyond ridiculously expensive to get all your wonderful items to their new homes. We truly need monetary donations for this fiber arts company to stay in business. It is critical right now with a number of projects in the works, all of which require expenses to operate and make happen. Thank you in advance for your support. We also ask, last but not least, that you continue to provide prayer support.

If you are sending reasonable sized packages or monetary donations (please make monetary donations payable to Paraclete Designs, LLC and note on the memo it is donation for operating expenses), the preferred address is:

Paraclete Designs, LLC
P.O. Box 10456
Phoenix, Arizona 85064


If you are sending extra heavy boxes or large boxes that I would not be able to pick up at the local post office front window and carry to my car myself, then please send them to:

Paraclete Designs, LLC
1911 West Wilshire Drive
Phoenix, Arizona 85009



© Copyright 2009 - . Paraclete Designs All rights reserved